Ride Like a Girl is an initiative to get more women/girls into mountain biking and let them experience the joy it can bring. Everyone is welcome to join us on the FIRST Thursday of the month March through August. We generally meet at Mad Dog Cycles in Orem at 5:30 pm, but see postings for more details.

18 July 2008

I have to admit, I was initially a bit disappointed at the start of this month's ride. It was simply a numbers game. While only three girls showed up, it was exciting that this was the first time any of them had participated. Today though when I think about it, it dawned on me that maybe I am doing something wrong because no one came back. I am going to justify it to myself and say that they just got busy with life and summer. That makes me feel much better.

So this month with my three riders (Heidi, Brooke, and Tiffany) we hit South Fork. There was some variances in skill and experience so I felt this trail would be best--beautiful scenery, steady climbing with just a few steep pitches, and a rolling descent.

Heidi, Tiffany, and Brooke

Heidi and Brooke had obviously done some riding before. Tiffany was pretty knew. I think she said she had about 5 rides on her bike. What she lacked in experience she made up in determination. She also had some very innate skills. I was really impressed. Watch out because once she gets her fitness she will be a force to be reckoned with on the trails.

Tiffany trudging up the climb.

Brooke exuded a passion for riding. She had great fitness. She is a roadie, but I think she could easily be converted. We also lost her from the middle of the group. I felt terrible. She made an inconsequential wrong turn and ended up back at the cars. Luckily, she had told me that she was familiar with this trail, so I did not have a complete break down. I tried to play it cool and kept telling myself she would be fine and would be at the parking lot. Thank goodness.

Even with a rubbing brake, Brooke still climbed like no one's business.

Heidi was a dynamo. She had some great skills and fitness. She was a lot of fun. She was railing the descents and smiling the whole time.

Heidi looking forward to the up coming descent.

It was a great group. We had some mild issues, besides losing Brooke. Tiffany had some serious chain suck and it got lodged between her small chain ring and derailleur. I had to spend some time trying to pry it out. Luckily, I got it. Brooke's front wheel was getting some significant drag on her disc from the beginning. I have a theory on that now that I wish I would have had last night. I think her skewer hardware may have been on incorrectly. I knew it looked weird last night, but figured is was a set up I had not seen before. Now I wish Iwould have compared it to her back wheel to see if my initial thought was correct or not.

Hopefully, they each had a good experience and will come back.

16 July 2008

Okay, so my super cool idea is going to be post poned until next month. Plans did not solidify until later than I hoped and I just don't have time to get the word out about meeting earlier, etc. You will definitely want to be part of this learning experience and I will tell a great story that goes with it.
We are still on for Thursday though. I don't have details on where we might be riding because I was going to curtail it to who shows up.
So join us or don't...no, join us!

6 pm at Mad Dog Cycles in Orem